Wednesday 4 January 2017

Hit the chocolate again. ...

Injections today. Did walk my 4 miles but forgot to wear fitbit or take picture of dinner which was stuffed pasta and pesto.  I am going  to blame it all on having to get babies injections just to give myself an excuse. Husband I also have a cold which I am praying hasn't been passed onto the wee one.

Think I should try 4 days chocolate free just to get me off to a healthy start. 

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Chocolate coins .....

So I have used more than all my weeklies by hitting chocolate coins when hungry. Need to buy some popcorn for tines like that. Can't afford for this blip to ruin my week. So 52sp for rest of week.

FYI I ate so much more coins than pictured.  About 300g 

Monday 2 January 2017


Walked to tesco and took a slightly longer route to get 4 miles in.

Tidied out my underwear drawer while baby had a nappy free half hour.  Put him in his cot with spare nappies that are too small flattened out underneath him. Ordered several things for him which I am waiting to arrive.
Alphabet lampshade and wall stickers
Chicco next to me crib
Anti roll changing mat
Jelly cat whale for pram
Some more 3-6 sleepsuits

We also bought a slow cooker. Hoping that I will use it.

Ended up having a pear and apple very late in bed while I was feeding as was so hungry.

Sunday 1 January 2017

New years day! 13.7 (67-9 (58sp

Didn't think I was the bad last night.  Just had 5 slices of pizza and a red wine. I am 13.7 this morning though! Aaah. Can't believe I was down to 13.0 and now I am back up.
New years resolutions
10000 steps a day
4L of water
Can all be tracked on fit bit

I would also like to walk 28 miles a week so that map my walk will have on average done 1200 miles a year for three years.

Managed to walk the four miles today but got caught in heavy rain and hail.  Husband made steak pie for dinner. It was a pie we had in the freezer that was brought down by the in laws when they visited in November. I was so hungry before dinner and we had no fruit or healthy snacks in so had to have some crisps. 45g of doritos.
Have went up to bed at 9.30 tonight to see of baby will sleep before 1230. The last 2 nights he has been sleeping for 7 hours.

Saturday 31 December 2016


Today is the last indulgence. Baby is 8 and a half weeks and I should of lost the baby weight by now but I haven't.  I will weigh in officially tomorrow. I want to get down to 11 stone 6lb. I am sitting around 13 5. I was down to 13 but Christmas happened. Feeling very positive about 2017. My resolution is to walk at least 10000 steps every day.
We have some friends coming over for pizza tonight.  Not sure if they will stay until bells as we all have babies. 

Wednesday 28 December 2016

And I start another blog.....

This blog is actually for New year 2017.I will weigh in on new years day. I am going to follow ww from Sunday as well. I am allowed 52sp a day as I breastfeeding and 42sp a week on top. So essentially I am allowed 58sp a day.
I am feeling quite positive. I ordered a few nursing tops at Christmas which I am waiting to arrive. I bought one pair of size 16 jeans which I have to love in until I get back into my size 12s. I have attached the last picture of me attempting to get into them